in Kalpitiya


wind & water conditions

Kalpitiya, located on the stunning and remote northwestern coast of Sri Lanka, is a premier destination for kitesurfing enthusiasts. It's perfect for a kitesurf vacation, or to learn how to kitesurf. The region offers 2 windy seasons per year, with reliable conditions and a very high percentage of windy days in the season. There are also a variety of riding spots, attracting kitesurfers of all levels from all around the world. And in Kalpitiya, you will never need a wetsuit—it's warm all year round. Here's a breakdown of what to expect.

Seasonal Wind Conditions

Kalpitiya boasts two main kitesurfing seasons: the Southwest Monsoon (about mid- May to the end of September) and the Northeast Monsoon (about mid-December to mid- March).

Southwest Monsoon (May to October):

    • Windspeed: Winds ranging from 18 to 30 knots.
    • Wind Direction: Predominantly south-southwest, giving side to side-offshore winds in the lagoon and side to side-onshore winds on the oceanside.
    • Wave Height: Flat to slightly choppy water in the lagoon, waves to 2.5metres on the oceanside.
    • Temperature: Warm air temperatures between 28°C to 32°C (82°F to 89°F) and water temperatures around 28°C (82°F).
    • A 80kg kiter would most often be on an 8m to a 10m kite.
    • The wind usually starts in the morning by about 9 or 10, and continues till the end of the kiting day.

Northeast Monsoon (December to March):

    • Windspeed: Moderate winds ranging from 15 to 25 knots.
    • Wind Direction: Predominantly north-northeast, giving side-onshore conditions on the oceanside. Winter winds blow toward the shallow end of the lagoon
    • Wave Height: Flat to minimally choppy water in the lagoon, easy ocean access with minimal shorebreak, small waves on the outer reefs.
    • Temperature: Comfortable air temperatures between 26°C to 30°C (79°F to 86°F) and water temperatures around 27°C (81°F).
    • An 80kg kitesurfer would most often be on a 10m to 13m kite in the afternoons.
    • In the mornings, winds are lighter and good for kitefoiling or wingfoiling. In the afternoons, the stronger wind usually picks up about 12:30 or 1:00.
Setha Wadi Kite School, Kalpitiya
