short and long term kitesurfing gear rentals

equipment rental in kalpitiya

Kite equipment rental includes:

  • beach support for launching and landing.
  • boat transfer to the other side of the lagoon.
  • shoes, harness, helmet and impact vests as needed

Of course, we’ll check for your skill and safety levels first. Rentals are available to riders who:

  • Operate their kites safely and responsibly.
  • Can work their way upwind in the conditions at hand.
  • Know (and follow) Right- of- Way conventions on the beach and on the water.
  • Are able to perform a self-rescue if needed.
  • Can recover their boards easily in deep water by bodydragging.

If you’re not at these levels, we’ll be happy to provide you with the instruction you need.

We’ll keep an eye out for you on the water (unless you want to take the equipment and go off on your own). If you require rescuing, we’ll help you, but rescue fees are not normally included in the rental cost.

*** Rental fee does not include equipment insurance. We will take a deposit on equipment, and charge for lost or damaged gear. ***

Fees: US$ 30 per hour for complete set, US$ 10 for board only.

We cap the rental charge at 2.5 hours per day, even if you have the gear for longer.

Setha Wadi Kite School, Kalpitiya
